Bird Crab Components

The Board

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The Deck

The Graveyard


Bird Crab Standard Turn

Drawing Pieces (at start of turn)

Hand Maximum: 6 Pieces

On any turn in Bird Crab, you can place up to three pieces, and move or rotate as many of your pieces as you like

In a turn, a single piece can do ONE of the following:

After all players have decided upon their moves, execution of actions happens simultaneously for all players

Standard Action Execution Order (within each turn)

Placement Rules

Movement Rules

Types of Combat

Territory Ransacking


Have a piece in the pit at the beginning of a turn: Draw 4 pieces instead of 3
Killed a piece in turn prior to this turn: Draw 4 pieces instead of 3
Have a piece in the pit at the beginning of a turn AND
kill a piece in turn prior to this turn:
Draw 5 pieces instead of 3
Participate in ransacking of opposing player's territory: Draw and keep an additional piece at end of turn Hand Maximum increases by 1 for rest of game


Player Elimination

Finishing The Game

End-Game Drawing Fairness

Sudden Death

Other Miscellaneous Rules

Initial Turn

Interrupted movement


Particularly Relevant Special Pieces

Snake Snake

Witch Witch

Harpy Harpy

Imp Swarm Imp Swarm

Reverse Centaur Reverse Centaur

Magician Magician

Witch Skeleton

Cloud Man Cloud Man

Necromancer Necromancer